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December 29, 2017, Changxing Steel Group Sanko Jianke plant area sounded the fierce cheers, cheers, cries. Joy of the New Year's Day Fun Games 2018 Passion Flies Everywhere in the company, every employee is full of passion and endless pride.The current Fun Games full participation, kick shuttlecock, transport table tennis, two three-legged, skipping, balloon, tug of war and so on. Each competition program can exercise everyone's ability to brainstorm can also exercise everyone in the work of unity and cooperation spirit, which is not only wisdom and physical competition or unity and co...
Release time: 2018 - 01 - 30
Times of browsing:18
On December 8, a five-day conference on "SAFE FUTURE" Architecture was completed. Mr. Wu Jiaxing, the vice chairman of our group, and Mr. Bai Ning, head of 3D Light Steel Villa, will soon return home.    In addition to discussing the cooperation project between our company and Shinui Builder Co., Ltd. in Marina Island, Florida, USA, the "SAFE FUTURE" conference also used this project as a case and accepted the questions, comments and suggestions Suggest.     During the conference, Mr. Wu Jiaxing and Mr. Bai Ning recommended the 3D light steel v...
Release time: 2017 - 12 - 08
Times of browsing:131
On December 3, Mr. Wu Jiaxing, Vice Chairman of Changxing Group, went to Tel Aviv, Israel to attend the conference of "SAFE FUTURE".    Founded in 2011, "SAFE FUTURE" brings together a large number of parameters to test the level of a concrete house from country to city to street. The data includes indicators of quality of life such as education, employment and personal safety, the history of property and territory, and factors affecting the viability of the transaction. Data is clear, transparent and complete, helping buyers to make responsible decisions。...
Release time: 2017 - 12 - 06
Times of browsing:48
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