In order to improve the comprehensive quality and professional can, combined with the actual demand, changxing steel structure to carry out the project learning training, through theoretical study, field interpretation, case analysis, and other forms, continuously strengthen the professional knowledge, speed up the staff overall quality ability, further forward the work task development of high quality.The relevant training improves people's awareness and ability to prevent problems at work, and also improves employees' safety awareness and self-protection ability.Through various kinds...
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Strengthen technology learning and exchanges to build a team of innovative talents to enable the development of new quality productivityOn December 16th, Deputy General President of Production and Deputy General President of Changxing Steel Structure participated in the 2024 Senior Seminar on Professional and Technical Personnel and Intelligent and Efficient Welding and Quality Control Technology of Steel Structure held by China Steel Structure Association in Changshu, Jiangsu province.The advanced seminar has many wonderful contents of steel structure processing technology, steel structure pr...
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Near the end of the year, a number of construction projects of Changxing steel structure are progressing smoothly. The project personnel stick to their posts, and are full of energy to actively promote the early completion.At the site of Zhumadian project, the workers have a clear division of labor and promote the installation of fire pipelines, masonry of elevator well, and installation of glass in an orderly manner. At present, the main construction of the project has reached the final stage.The site is slightly bright, and the pre-meeting of the safety shift has been held. The management an...
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