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New type of assembled residential system

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 13
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 13

China's construction industrialization and real estate development have entered a historic period of change. Under the new situation, there are still more problems and challenges of sustainable development and development. From the current challenges of building industrialization and assembly type residential development in our country, building industrialization should promote the modernization of construction industry and change the backwardness of construction industry in our country. Therefore, we must get rid of the traditional development mode and restraint and seek to modernize the construction industry The path of innovation and development.

At present, a series of problems such as building industrialization and assembly type houses, basic understanding related to building industrialized construction and production, development mode, technical concept and integrated building system bear the brunt. Special attention should be paid to the following three major issues:

First, the development of building industrialization and prefabricated housing should first establish a basic understanding of the concept of overall improvement of construction quality. Although the cost issue may be a bottleneck in the development of the current stage, it still needs to attach great importance to the construction of high-quality residential buildings. To some extent, many prefabricated houses under implementation do not establish a top-level understanding of overall improvement of construction quality .

Second, the development of building industrialization and assembly-type housing should focus on building a new type of industrial production and construction methods to integrate innovation. Focus on the main building and built in two aspects of the simultaneous implementation of a comprehensive industrialization of integrated technology and solution development. At present, the prefabricated residential buildings are too concerned with the structure of the main body, pipelines and other aspects have not been systematically industrialized production and construction management solutions.

Third, the development of industrialized buildings and prefabricated residential buildings should focus on the long-term life expectancy of the whole construction period. Many items of components (such as facades, etc.) are not long life cycle, but both for traditional operations or industrial construction, only to solve the longevity and other aspects of the long-term problems in order to truly achieve sustainable development.

Recently, at the 8th China Real Estate Science Development Forum and the 3rd Sino-US Real Estate Summit Forum, as an important direction for the transformation and upgrading of China's real estate industry, the prefabricated residential building became a hot spot for discussion at the conference. Liu Dongwei, chief architect of the Standards Institute, The above mentioned points were mentioned in the excellent speech delivered in the forum.


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