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Steel structure in the national economy status

Date: 2017-08-30
Times of browsing: 24
Release date: 2017-08-30
Times of browsing: 24

Steel structure is the highest content of science and technology in the construction industry. It takes the lead in entering the factory, mechanization, automation, assembly, informatization and industrialization. It is a model for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and plays a benchmarking role in transforming the traditional industries.

First, human society is still in the iron age

The history of the development of human society is closely linked with the development of production tools. The transformation of production tools reflects the improvement and improvement of the productive forces. With the improvement of productivity, it inevitably changes the backward relations of production and promotes social progress.

Mankind has entered the Iron Age more than 3,000 years of history. Although many industrial revolutions have taken place in the society and the development of science and technology has brought mankind into the era of mechanization, electrification, automation, information and intelligence, the main material closely linked to the means of production is steel, and we are still in the Iron Age , The status of steel in the national economy is still in the most important material position and is still the economic lifeline. As a manufacturing industry, whether it is low-end, mid-end, high-end, mainly dealing with steel. The working part of a machine tool that makes all kinds of machinery and equipment is basically made of steel.

Second, steel is the most important strategic material

Before liberation, there were only tens of thousands of tons of steel in our country and 1 million tons in Japan. Relying on this strategic resource, Japan has launched an aggressive invasion of my great powers. This is a lesson learned from history. Therefore, the older generation of revolutionaries such as Mao Zedong firmly grasped the industry in the early days after the founding of the People's Republic of China and seized steel and coal briquettes. No heavy industry, no steel, no national defense. In the United States, the steel industry has long been the pillar industry in the United States since the Second World War. Steel is suitable for construction, machine building, road building, bridge construction, etc. The steel, automobile and construction industries that are the core industries of the U.S. economy have always been the three pillar industries in the United States. The development of modern science and technology and the information industry have become the revolving doors of the new pillar industries in the United States. However, the above traditional pillar industries still occupy a certain position and continue to develop.

Third, China's steel industry and the development of steel structure

Although China was not the earliest country to develop the steel industry, before the middle of the Ming Dynasty, it had made a special contribution to the world in iron and steel technology and its output and its application. After the founding of new China, after three years of restoration and the first five-year plan, giving priority to the development of heavy industry, especially the steel industry, the steel industry in our country has made tremendous development. During this period there are many steel structures in our country, mainly large heavy-duty plants. In 1955, the Black Metallurgical Design Institute of the Ministry of Heavy Industry, the Xi'an Institute of Metallurgical Construction Engineering and the Academy of Building Research of the Ministry of Heavy Industry were established, laying the foundation for the development of the steel structure.

Old China seldom has steel structure. Under the Japanese occupation of the Northeast there are many heavy steel plant. Shanghai, a Western adventurer's paradise, has some steel structures such as Shanghai International Hotel (83.8 meters high) around the 1930s, Broadway Building (76.6 meters), Bank of China Tower (69 meters), and Waibaidu Bridge. Hangzhou has a Mao designed to rise the Qianjiang Bridge. However, most of these steel structures are contracted by foreign companies, with steel also coming from the West. Therefore, there is no steel industry in old China at all.

The development of things has its internal and external factors, and internal factors are the first. Resources, technology, equipment and skills; progress in metallurgical science and technology is the first dominating factor in the rise of steel productivity and the basis for the sustainable development of science. In 1958, the "Great Leap Forward" and "National Steelmaking Campaign" exaggerated the role of subjective will and subjective efforts, violating the law of development of the steel industry. By 1970, China's steel output was less than 20 million tons.

Insufficient steel limits the development of the steel structure. During the long period prior to the reform and opening up, capital construction adopted the national policy of "steel restriction" and "steel saving." Steel can only be used in special large-scale heavy-duty projects and foreign aid projects. Structural and hybrid structures also control the amount of steel, even bamboo instead. The scarcity of steel has greatly hindered the development of steel structure, so before the reform and opening up, China also seldom steel structure, but also the formation of the steel structure industry.

After the implementation of the reform and opening up, the needs of the development of the national economy and market demand, the introduction of advanced foreign science and technology and management experience, the rapid development of China's steel industry has been achieved. In 1996, China's steel output was 101.24 million tons, accounting for 13.5% of the world's total of 750 million tons, ranking the first in the world for 17 years. In 2012, the steel output reached 700 million tons, accounting for 45.97%. China has become the world's largest steel producer. This is a major achievement made by our country in the economic and social development and has laid a solid material foundation for the development of China's steel structure.

It is precisely through the reform and opening up and economic construction that the iron and steel industry produced a large amount of steel, meeting the needs of all walks of life in a sustained and rapid development, meeting the needs of capital construction for forming and expanding social productive forces, and the construction industry booming. With steel, no longer "limit the use of steel," "saving steel", but "rational use of steel" "optimized steel." With the introduction of foreign steel structure engineering and technology, as well as domestic demand for automatic doors and synagogues for small and medium-sized theaters in China, and the research and development of grid structures by Chinese scholars, the steel structure of buildings gradually rises and develops. Manufacturing characteristics of the special steel structure industry. Due to its own advantages of steel structure: high-strength light, industrial production, short construction cycle, seismic performance, has been widely used. At the end of the last century, almost all of the single-story industrial plants (warehouses) replaced traditional reinforced concrete structures. In the large-span space structure as the main stadium, airports, theaters, convention centers and other public buildings, almost all of the steel structure. High-rise, super high-rise, especially the landmark high-rise buildings are increasingly using steel. In recent years, steel has also entered the municipal engineering, bridge engineering, residential real estate and other construction areas, the application of steel structure and development of space is very broad.

In 2011, the output of China's steel structure exceeded 30 million tons. With the continuous promotion of urbanization, the strong demand of low-carbon, green and four-section environmental protection, the development and application of new materials, new processes, new products and new technologies, the entire national economy In particular, the transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing and construction industries will give greater impetus to the steel structure in our country.

Fourth, steel structure in the national economy status

The steel structure that emerged with the development of the steel industry has shown its uniqueness from the very beginning. Steel needs value through its products to serve humanity, and most of its products are linked to steel. Steel structures cover all areas of construction, not only various types of industrial and civil buildings, but also light railways, highways, bridges, oceans, electricity, communications, ships, automobiles, aircraft, construction machinery, equipment pipelines, , Heavy steel, high-rise, large-span space, tower mast and so on all walks of life has a wide range of applications.

Steel structure is both the construction industry, but also manufacturing, with two industry characteristics. Both industries are the pillar industries with the rise of steel. Steel structure is part of the second industry, which not only guarantees the position of the pillar industry of the second industry but also promotes the development of the steel industry as a result of the large demand for steel. It also ensures that the steel The external conditions of industrial development and the status of steel structure in the national economy are also revealed.

Steel structure is the highest content of science and technology in the construction industry. It takes the lead in entering the factory, mechanization, automation, assembly, informatization and industrialization. It is a model for the transformation and upgrading of the construction industry and plays a benchmarking role in transforming the traditional industries.

The direct contribution to the rise and development of the steel structure industry is as follows: The large-span steel structure solves the functional requirements of large-scale stadiums and provides all venues for the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Guangzhou Asian Games and Shenzhen Grand Games, making them successfully held; Of the flow of people, logistics needs of large-scale airports, railway stations, integrated transport hubs, steel structure to ensure the realization of their functions, all over the airport, railway stations, transport hubs mostly steel structure, which for the aviation industry, transportation development Has made a contribution to the traffic arteries of the railway, high-speed rail, highways, highways have emerged a lot of steel structures, including bridges, elevated a lot of use, are making a greater contribution to the West; East to South Water Diversion, pipe steel structure play an irreplaceable Of the role; high-voltage EHV transmission lines as the main national grid, most of steel towers, cross-river towers, up to 375 meters, more than 7,000 tons of steel with a single tower, many of the most out of the world, for the economy Construction and sustainable development, providing energy guarantee; port, dock construction and related facilities such as gantry crane, Port cranes and other port machinery, as well as containers, are steel structures, which ensure that our country has the throughput of the world's top ports, ensuring the steady and sustained growth of China's import and export trade; automobiles, trains, ships, aircraft and other traffic Transport vehicles, like buildings, are man-made spaces that conform to structural principles and safety requirements that people use for life, work, study and rest, using a variety of materials and accessories, The foundations of the foundation become real estate, while cars and trains act on the pavement and the track through laminated springs, bearings and tires. The ship is forced by the hull and balanced with the buoyancy. The aircraft is an aerodynamic problem, which is more complicated. And so, so they are also steel (metal) structure, made a great contribution to mankind. Now space shuttle, spacecraft, but also steel (metal) structure; steel structure has played a role in the marine economy, steel offshore platform has been widely used in prospecting and oil production; in the use of new clean energy, the steel structure of the wind power tower Frames include its wind wheel, steel structure of solar towers or brackets, wind power and solar power generation is the main component; high-rise high-rise steel structures in major cities in landmark buildings made a significant contribution to residential steel structure has played a role, In promoting the process of urbanization, steel structure contributed. All these have fully demonstrated that steel structure has taken a certain place in the national economy.

Fifth, the scientific development of steel industry and steel structure

The development of the steel industry and the steel structure are mutually causal. There is no steel structure without steel industry. Iron and steel industry or the fundamental reason for the growth and development of steel structure is to promote the development and utilization of new materials, new processes, new equipment and new technologies, and is its own core technology and intellectual property.

Zoulu Jian, general manager of Xiamen Minmetals Steel, proposed that steel enterprises should enter and develop steel structures, and steel structures should be positioned in an industry with strategic synergies with the steel industry. With the development of steel structure, steel products sales, And identify their position in the field of steel structure, a clear market and product positioning, focus on becoming a leader in the field, or with the steel structure of powerful enterprises, but also need to establish a flexible operating mechanism.

Han Jia Design Group Chief Engineer Fang Hongqiang suggested that the steel industry and the construction industry alliance, which is the steel industry to get out of the way. Alliances are the need of sustainable development, the need of green building development, the reserve of resources, and the double industry development of steel industry and construction industry.

China Iron & Steel Association and China Steel Structure Association leaders and experts made a detailed analysis, put forward a "series of measures to achieve transformation and development of the iron and steel industry," a series of measures. As long as we grasp the transformation and upgrading, improve innovation ability, master the core technology to ensure that the internal causes never fail, the steel industry will certainly get out of the difficulties and continue to create brilliant. China's per capita steel output is still lower than that of the developed countries in the United States and Japan. As a developing country, there is still much room for development of steel.

The development of steel structure is now one of the most favorable period. First big brother of steel to ensure that we do not make rice without straw. We can build all kinds of projects with the most cost-effective steel materials for the benefit of future generations. Building a resource-saving and environment-friendly society, developing a recycling economy, promoting green building and green living provide more external conditions for the steel structure to replace the traditional and backward structure. The process of urbanization in our country has not yet been completed. In the recent 5 years, there will be 100 million people who want to enter the city. Only 20 million sets of affordable housing will be needed. The popularization and application of steel houses will further push the demand of steel products. The position of the world's first steel-producing country, which has been set back through years of struggle, has been lost. We must ensure that the most basic material of the national economy and the strategic materials of the rich and the powerful will never become affluent and will no longer allow foreign imperialism to bully us.

The external conditions for the development of steel structure are extremely advantageous. However, to be fully developed, we need to pioneer and innovate in new materials, new products, new techniques and new technologies, grasp the core technologies in this field, firmly grasp the standards, brands, To occupy its commanding height, out of the results, out of talent, through their own power.

First of all, we will continue with the proposal of "building steel instead of concrete, promoting structural transformation and upgrading, using steel instead of wood, and protecting the Earth's ecological environment" to be proposed by the first association of provincial inter-provincial steel structure associations in 2005. We do not exclude other structures, reinforced concrete structures, wood structures have certain advantages, in the history of buildings had an indelible meritorious service, under certain circumstances and conditions, not only continue to exist, there is room for development. The current need to promote residential steel structure, the government should give more policy support.

Second, in addition to transforming the traditional construction industry and manufacturing industry, steel structures must proceed to cutting-edge areas and national defense projects and develop systems that are suitable for extreme environments such as high water pressure (deep sea submersibles), high corrosion (marine and chemical), high temperature (Long-term at above 80 ℃), low temperature (Arctic Antarctic), strong impact (penetrating missile, nuclear explosion, aircraft carrier deck) and other steel structures.

Third, the steel structure as an independent industry across the construction industry and manufacturing industry to develop and form from the education, research, design, production, installation, testing and application of the entire industrial chain. The Ministry of Education should set up a steel structure major to train cutting-edge and applied steel structure personnel. Fujian Minzhu Zou Lushan chairman has been preparing to build steel structure University, hope all parties to give strong support.

By 2020, if our country needs to fully build a well-to-do society, GDP and per capita income will double from the current level. This huge demand provides great opportunities for the steel industry and steel structure. Our future is bright, The cause we are engaged in will surely achieve brilliant achievements

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