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Good news: The company has successfully passed the recertification audit for the three systems.

Date: 2024-09-05
Times of browsing: 2
Release date: 2024-09-05
Times of browsing: 2

After a rigorous audit process, our company has successfully passed the recertification audit for the ISO 9001 Quality Management System, ISO 14001 Environmental Management System, and ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System. The smooth passage of this recertification audit not only reflects our company's continuous improvement and optimization in management systems but also demonstrates our commitment and responsibility in quality, environment, and occupational health and safety.

Good news: The company has successfully passed the recertification audit for the three systems.

We will take this re-certification review as an opportunity to further deepen internal management, strengthen quality, environmental, and safety awareness across all staff, ensuring the effective operation and continuous improvement of various management systems. We will continuously optimize processes, improve efficiency, reduce resource waste, protect the ecological environment, and at the same time focus on the occupational health and safety of employees, striving to create a safe, healthy, and harmonious work environment.

Good news: The company has successfully passed the recertification audit for the three systems.

At the same time, we will also strengthen communication and collaboration with our partners to jointly promote the sustainable development of the industry. We believe that through relentless efforts and continuous innovation, we can continuously enhance our core competitiveness, create greater value for our customers, and contribute to the prosperity and development of society.

Good news: The company has successfully passed the recertification audit for the three systems.

Here, we sincerely thank all the experts and teams who participated in the certification review work. It is your hard work and rigorous attitude that have enabled us to successfully pass the review certification. We also thank our broad customer base and partners for their continuous support and trust. It is your support and trust that give us the motivation and confidence to keep moving forward。

Good news: The company has successfully passed the recertification audit for the three systems.

Looking forward, we will continue to uphold the concept of "quality first, environmentally friendly, safety first", constantly pursue excellence, and strive for the long-term development of the company and the common progress of society!

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