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The sanwu Construction Fire Fighting Exercise of Changxing Steel Structure Group was successfully co

Date: 2019-07-30
Times of browsing: 12
Release date: 2019-07-30
Times of browsing: 12

In order to implement safe production, employees' awareness of safety risks will be further strengthened, and the anti-risk capability and safety precaution skills of Henan Sanwu Green Building Technology Co., Ltd. (referred to as the “Five-Five Construction”) will be upgraded. On July 30, 2019, the Sanwujianke conducted a fire drill.

The sanwu Construction Fire Fighting Exercise of Changxing Steel Structure Group was successfully co

The fire drills were carried out in three aspects: the use of fire extinguishers, the use of fire hydrants and the use of fire-fighting equipment. The company first organized employees to conduct practical drills for the use of dry powder fire extinguishers, and secondly used fire hydrants and other fire-fighting equipment to conduct fire-fighting simulation exercises.

The sanwu Construction Fire Fighting Exercise of Changxing Steel Structure Group was successfully co

During the firefighting study, Wang Shaochen of the equipment department explained the correct use of the fire extinguisher, and explained the emergency evacuation route for all employees in detail, so that all employees can carry out emergency evacuation quickly and orderly.

During the drill, the chief commander calmly and calmly, the staff responded agilely and skillfully, and completed the drill of the scheduled content. Throughout the exercise, the process arrangement was tight and compact, the personnel organization was tight and orderly, and the fire-fighting action was quick and effective. The employees were able to fully study the fire-fighting knowledge and practice the fire-fighting process in the field, and exercised the ability to deal with emergencies quickly and decisively. spirit.

The sanwu Construction Fire Fighting Exercise of Changxing Steel Structure Group was successfully co

The person in charge of the company's factory said that the fire equipment has been put into use to improve the company's safety production emergency plan, which has greatly improved the company's safety production index.

The sanwu Construction Fire Fighting Exercise of Changxing Steel Structure Group was successfully co

The factory will resolutely implement and implement the monthly safety fire protection day system. Regular fire drills will be conducted and the relevant knowledge of safety production will be popularized. The actual operational skills of fire protection will be continuously improved to ensure the safe and stable development of enterprises.

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