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Guiding Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Vigorously Developing Assembled Build

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 50
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 50

People's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, ministries and commissions under the State Council,

Assembled buildings are prefabricated parts and components assembled in the construction site. The development of fabricated buildings is a major change in the mode of construction. It is an important measure to promote supply-side structural reforms and new-type urbanization. It is conducive to saving resources and energy, reducing construction pollution, improving labor productivity and quality and safety, and promoting construction Industry and Information Industrialization depth integration, cultivate new momentum of new industries, promote the elimination of excess capacity. In recent years, China has actively explored the development of assembly-type buildings, but most of the construction methods are still mainly on-site pouring. The proportions and scale of prefabricated buildings are relatively low. Compared with the requirements for developing green buildings and the advanced construction methods, gap.

In order to implement the "Several Opinions of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction" and the "Report on the Work of the Government," we must vigorously develop the prefabricated buildings. With the agreement of the State Council, we hereby submit the following comments.

First, the overall requirements

(A) guiding ideology. We will fully implement the spirit of the 18th Party Congress and the 3rd, 4th and 5th Plenary Sessions of the 18th CPC Central Committee, the Central Urbanization Work Conference and the Central Urban Work Conference, conscientiously implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and follow the general plan of "the 5-in-1" And "Four All-round" strategic plans, firmly establish and implement the development concept of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing, and promote the innovation of construction methods in accordance with the applicable requirements of economy, safety, greenness and beauty, and vigorously develop the prefabricated concrete Building and steel structure building, advocating the development of modern wood structure building in the places where conditions permit, and continuously improving the proportion of fabricated building in the new building. Adhere to the standardization of design, factory production, assembly construction, integrated decoration, information management, intelligent applications, improve the technical level and project quality, and promote the construction industry restructuring and upgrading.

(B) the basic principles.

Adhere to market-driven, government-driven. Adapt to the market demand, give full play to the decisive role of the market in allocating resources, give better play to the functions of government planning guidance and policy support, form favorable institutional mechanisms and market conditions, and promote the active participation of market players in coordinated and orderly development of fabricated buildings .

Adhere to the district to promote and gradually promote. According to the economic and social development in different regions and the industrial and technological conditions, we should focus on promoting the region, actively promote the region and encourage the promotion of regions, according to local conditions, step by step, point to case, pilot first, and summarize experience in time to form the overall work pattern.

Adhere to the top design, coordinated development. Promote standards, design, production, construction, use and maintenance as an effective starting point for the development of fabricated buildings, promote the organic integration of all aspects and promote the quality and efficiency of the whole process of construction through transformation of construction methods, and promote the overall level of the construction industry Enhance.

(C) work goals.

In other cities with a population of more than 3 million and with a permanent population of 3 million, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta and Pearl River Delta will be the major cities in the region. The remaining cities will, in order to encourage the promotion of the region and develop prefabricated concrete structures, steel structures and modern Wooden structures and other assembly-type buildings. Strive for 10 years or so, so that the proportion of fabricated building construction area of 30%. At the same time, we will gradually improve the laws, regulations, technical standards and supervision system and promote the formation of a batch of large-scale manufacturing enterprises with design, construction and parts and components, engineering general contracting enterprises with modern assembly construction level and the specialized technical teams that suit them.

Second, the key task

(D) improve the standard system. We will speed up the compilation of national standards, industrial standards and local standards for fabricated buildings, support enterprises in the preparation of standards, strengthen technological innovation, encourage social organizations to formulate group standards, and promote the transformation of key technologies and research results of complete sets of technologies into standard ones. Strengthen the building materials standards, parts components standards, engineering standards between the convergence. Modification of assembly-based construction projects such as pricing basis. Improve the standard of fire-proof and disaster prevention of assembled building. Study and establish evaluation standards and methods for fabricated buildings. Gradually establish and improve coverage of the design, production, construction and maintenance of the whole process of assembly-type building standard system.

(E) Innovative assembly-type building design. Co-ordinate the building structure, mechanical and electrical equipment, parts and components, assembly construction, decoration, integrated assembly-type design of integrated construction. The promotion of universal, modular, standardized design methods, and actively apply the building information model technology to improve the field of construction professionals in the collaborative design capabilities and strengthen the whole process of assembly-type building guidance and services. Encourage design units and research institutes, universities and other joint development of fabricated building design technology and universal design software.

(Vi) optimize parts and components production. Guide the construction industry, parts and components manufacturing enterprises a reasonable layout, improve the degree of industrial agglomeration, cultivate a number of advanced technology, professional support, management practices of key enterprises and production bases. Support parts and components manufacturers to improve product variety and specifications, and promote specialization, standardization, large-scale, information-based production, optimize logistics management, and reasonable distribution. Actively guide the equipment manufacturing enterprises R & D parts and components production equipment and equipment, improve automation and flexible processing technology. Establish parts quality inspection mechanism to ensure product quality.

(Seven) to enhance the level of assembly and construction. Guide enterprises to R & D applications and assembly-type construction of the appropriate technology, equipment and machinery to improve parts and components assembly and construction of the connection quality and construction safety performance. Encourage enterprises to innovate construction and organization methods, the implementation of green construction, the application of structural engineering and sub-projects of a new model of collaborative construction. Support construction companies to summarize the preparation of construction methods, improve assembly and construction skills, technology, organization and management, the transformation of the ranks of skills, to build a number of high-level assembly and assembly technology with the backbone of enterprises.

(Eight) to promote the whole building decoration. The implementation of assembly-type building decoration and the main structure, mechanical and electrical equipment collaborative construction. Actively promote the standardization, integration, modular decoration mode, and promote the overall kitchen, light partitions and other materials, products and equipment integration of pipeline technology to improve the level of assembly and decoration. Advocacy menu-style decoration to meet the individual needs of consumers.

(Ix) promote green building materials. Increase the proportion of green building materials in the assembly building. Development and application of high quality, energy saving, good functional new building materials, and accelerate the assessment of green building materials. Encourage the integration of decorative and thermal insulation materials. Promote the use of high-performance energy-saving windows and doors. Forcibly eliminated does not meet the requirements of energy saving and environmental protection, poor quality and performance of building materials to ensure safety, green, environmental protection.

(Ten) the implementation of project general contracting. Assembly-type buildings in principle should be used EPC project mode, in accordance with the technical complex project bidding. Engineering general contracting enterprises to project quality, safety, progress, total cost responsibility. We should improve the unified management and deep integration of engineering design, production of parts and components, construction and procurement in accordance with the contract-making and contracting, construction permit, subcontracting management, project cost, quality and safety supervision and completion acceptance of the assembly type general contracting system , Optimize the project management. Encourage the establishment of assembly-type construction industry technology innovation alliance, increase R & D investment, enhance innovation ability. Support large-scale design, construction and parts and components manufacturing enterprises by restructuring the organization and improve the management system, to project management, design, construction, production, procurement capacity of the general contracting transformation.

(Eleven) to ensure project quality and safety. Improve the assembly-type construction quality and safety management system, improve the quality and safety responsibility system, the main parties to implement the quality and safety responsibilities. Strengthen the whole process of supervision, construction and supervision and other relevant parties can use the factory supervision and other ways to strengthen the production quality control of parts and components; construction companies to strengthen the construction quality and safety control and inspection, improve the assembly quality assurance system; obvious in the buildings Set permanent signs, publicity of the main responsibility for quality and safety and the main responsibility. Strengthen the industry supervision, clearly meet the requirements of the architectural drawings of assembly-type architectural review requirements, establish the entire process of quality traceability system, increase the random sampling and testing efforts, and severely punished violations of quality and safety violations.

Third, safeguards

(12) Strengthen organizational leadership. All localities should study and put forward the objectives and tasks for the development of fabricated buildings according to local conditions, establish and perfect working mechanisms, perfect supporting policies, organize specific implementation and ensure that all tasks are implemented in a down-to-earth manner. All relevant departments should step up their guidance, coordination and support and regard the development of fabricated buildings as an important task in implementing the spirit of the central city working conference. They should be included in the index system for the supervision and assessment of urban planning, construction and management work, and the assessment results should be regularly reported.

(Thirteen) to increase policy support. Establish and improve laws and regulations related to assembly-type buildings. Combined with energy-saving emission reduction, industrial development, technological innovation, pollution prevention and control and other policies, increase the support for the assembly-type building. Support the assembly-type construction parts and components manufacturing enterprises that meet the conditions of high-tech enterprises to enjoy relevant preferential policies. In line with the new wall materials catalog parts and components manufacturing enterprises, according to the provisions of the enjoyment of VAT levied immediate refund preferential policies. In the supply of land, the relevant requirements for the development of fabricated buildings can be included in the program of supply and implemented into land-use contracts. All localities are encouraged to promulgate relevant policies and measures such as planning approval, land supply, infrastructure facilities and financial and financial support in support of the development of fabricated buildings. Government investment projects should take the lead in developing prefabricated buildings and promoting the assembly building "going global." In the selection of China's Habitat Environment Prize, the national ecological garden city assessment, green building evaluation work to increase the assembly-type building indicators.

(Fourteen) to strengthen team building. Efforts should be made to train professionals in the design, manufacture, construction and management of fabricated buildings. Encourage institutions of higher learning and vocational schools to set up assembly-related architecture courses to promote assembly-type construction enterprises to carry out cooperation between schools and enterprises, innovative personnel training mode. In the construction industry professional and technical personnel to continue the education to increase assembly-type building-related content. Increase investment in vocational skills training funds, the establishment of training bases, to enhance job skills training to promote the construction industry, migrant workers to skilled workers. We will step up international exchanges and cooperation and actively introduce overseas professionals to participate in the R & D, production and management of fabricated buildings.

(XV) Good publicity and guidance. To promote the economic and social benefits of the development of assembly-type buildings in various forms, widely disseminate the basic knowledge of assembly-type buildings, raise awareness of the society, create common concerns of all parties, support the good atmosphere for the development of assembly-type buildings and promote the assembly-related industries And market development.

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