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The next five years, steel will usher in a rare opportunity for development

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 16
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 16

2016 China Steel Structure Development Summit was held in Beijing

January 26, by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Civil Engineering, Water Resources and Architecture, China Steel Structure Association and the National Engineering Research Center for Steel Engineering Technology, jointly organized by the MCC MCRI Research Institute Co., Ltd. and Chongqing University, Tsinghua University, hosted the " 2016 China Steel Structure Development Forum "was held in Beijing. 21 academicians in the field of construction and more than 60 government leaders, entrepreneurs and experts and scholars gathered to make suggestions for the development of China's steel structure.

Globally, greening, informatization and industrialization are the inevitable trends in the development of the construction industry. Steel structure buildings have the unique advantages of green environmental protection, recyclable utilization and good seismic performance, and have green building and industrialization during their entire life cycle Salient features.

After several decades of development, China's steel structure has made tremendous achievements. In 2015, China's annual steel output exceeded 800 million tons, the output of steel structures was about 50 million tons, the number of steel structure manufacturing enterprises above designated size exceeded 3,000, the number of special construction qualified enterprises exceeded 10,000, and successfully built a large number of steel with the world's leading level Structural landmark project. However, from the perspective of the world's second largest economy and a major steel country that accounts for half of world steel production, the development of China's steel structure is still lagging behind. During the 12th FYP period, the share of steel structure in steel output hovered around 5% -6%. In the vast amount of residential buildings and small and medium-span bridges, the proportion of steel structure is less than 1%, much lower than that of developed countries. There is huge space for developing steel structure in our country.

In response to the bottleneck in the development of China's steel residential buildings and high-performance structures, the Chinese Academy of Engineering commissioned the research group of Academician Zhou Xuhong and the research team of Nie Jianguo academicians to carry out the "Steel Industry Housing Industrialization Consulting Research", "The Development Strategy of High Performance Sustainable Structural Engineering Research "," new structure of urban and rural residential buildings and their industrialization "and many other consulting and research projects, with a view to propose appropriate countermeasures and solutions to promote industrialization of China's steel structure and improve the level of structural engineering technology.

The "13th Five-Year Plan" is the crucial decisive stage for building a moderately prosperous society in all respects. The extensive application of steel structure in the construction field will play an important role in resolving the excess capacity, promoting the readjustment of the industrial structure and accelerating the new urbanization. On November 4, 2015, Premier Li Keqiang chaired a State Council executive meeting, clearly put forward "the combination of shed and earthquake-resistant housing projects, to carry out pilot construction of steel structures to expand the use of green building materials," from the national level, issued Promote the strongest voice of steel structure, to be sure, the next five years steel will usher in a rare opportunity for development.

The forum was divided into 4 sessions. First, an opening speech was made by Academician Zhou Fulin, director of the Department of Civil Engineering, Water Resources and Architecture of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and Guangzhou University, followed by a briefing on the consulting and research project of the Chinese Academy of Engineering by Academician Zhou Xuhong of Chongqing University and Nie Jianguo of Tsinghua University. , Arranged a special report by Academician Shen Zuoyan of Tongji University, "greening, industrialization, information technology and steel structure building", chairman of China Steel Structure Association and director of National Engineering Research Center for Steel Engineering Yue Ching-Rui special report on the development of China's steel structure Thinking ", and then the participants have made speeches, one day of the seminar achieved the desired results, to achieve the purpose of the Forum: First, a comprehensive summary of the results of the development of steel structure, sort out the current bottlenecks affecting the development of steel structure, steel industry in China for a" comprehensive medical examination " The second is to analyze the reasons for the formation of a bottleneck and to explore the technical route to solve the bottleneck problem in the development of steel structure so as to seek corresponding solutions and measures. Third, in combination with the key national R & D tasks and engineering consultancy projects in the 13th FYP, ,open Exhibition production and research division of labor collaboration, team work, joint research, solve or alleviate the bottleneck problem; four is to reach consensus on the conference for the next step to provide academicians to provide the foundation for the proposal.

As a major achievement of the forum, the conference proposed the overall development roadmap and goal of China's steel structure industry in the 13th Five-Year Plan period, that is, in accordance with the development concept of "innovation, coordination, greenness, opening up and sharing", strengthening structural reforms in supply side of steel structure, Innovation-driven efforts to resolve the bottleneck restricting the development of steel structure to promote the rapid development of steel structures, and strive to achieve the "13th Five-Year" period of steel consumption exceeds the annual growth rate of 15% of the rapid and healthy development by 2020, more than 100 million tons.

At the same time, the Forum proposed the following concrete measures and proposals for the development of steel structure: First, to strengthen the top-level design and strategic layout, give play to the government's leading and demonstrating role in fostering the steel structure market, enhance policy support and strengthen supervision; second, improve the overall steel structure Industrial chain, support leading enterprises and industry alliances, the implementation of pilot projects of steel structure construction; third is to promote the steel industry related industries "going global"; fourth, driven by innovation, focus on solving common key technical issues and bottlenecks; Fifth, update Concept and increase social and market acceptance.

The convening of this summit forum pointed out the direction for the development of steel structure in macro and strategic terms and will surely play an important role in promoting the rapid, healthy and sustainable development of China's steel structure industry.

Source: Building Industrialization Innovation Alliance

Exhilaration and Zhejiang Xinbang joint efforts to open a new chapter in the building of industrialization in Wenzhou City

A small number of skilled workers operating machinery can be assembled into a house components

On the morning of January 27, Zhejiang Xinbang Construction Co., Ltd. and Yuanda Residential Industrial Co., Ltd. formally signed a strategic cooperation agreement on building industrialization, opening a new chapter in the industrialization of new-type buildings in Wenzhou City.

The plant is currently initially located in Lucheng garrison, is expected to be put into operation in October this year, with a total investment of 500 million yuan, annual production capacity of 1.5 million -200 square meters of green buildings.

Source: Wenzhou Daily

Qingdao: "take blocks" house can receive subsidies

Reporter from January 27 held in Qingdao to promote the assembly-type construction site will be informed that in recent years, Qingdao City, actively promote the industrialization of construction work, the city a total of 4 companies were rated provincial industrial base of construction. This year, Qingdao will continue to promote the industrialization of buildings, formulate relevant technical standards for building industrialization, formulate plans for industrial parks, renovate shantytowns, public works projects and some projects in various districts and municipalities will take the lead in pilot assembly-type construction projects.

In the next step, Qingdao will continue to promote the industrialization of buildings. With the development and construction units as the main body of the market, design units, production units of construction parts and construction units as the main body of cooperation, Qingdao will form a complete industrial chain and promote the development of its subsidiary industries. At the same time, the formulation of industrial park planning, co-ordination of the city's industrial development. City Urban and Rural Construction Commission, told reporters that the relevant person in charge, "At present, the Urban and Rural Construction Commission has embarked on the organization of the relevant units of the city's building industry-related technical standards, atlas, guidelines and other 12, this year to accelerate this work and strive to Completed by the third quarter. "

Source: Qingdao Evening News

Shandong Yantai: to open a new journey of building industry modernization

Standing on the starting point of the "13th Five-Year Plan", as an important city in China's coastal areas, Yantai City, Shandong Province, has started the "first shot" of restructuring and upgrading of the construction industry.

System innovation and lay a solid foundation

On the one hand, currently due to the land transfer part of the front, the division of planning departments, resulting in housing urban and rural construction department still represents the government on behalf of the government to carry out real estate development related industrial policy functions, but on the one hand, The project development is no longer in control of the initiative, work in a passive state. On the other hand, with the improvement of living standards, people's requirements for housing quality and supporting facilities are also getting higher and higher. The state also has relevant laws and regulations.

In order to change this situation, strengthen the management of real estate development project construction and ensure the implementation of urban planning, Yantai City, the first "statement of position" system. "Submissions" stipulates that the development project approved by the municipal government, the construction of urban and rural housing administrative department of construction projects under the conditions of the proposed construction conditions, the city planning, urban management, housing management and other relevant departments will be signed, as a copy of the land transfer documents, with the land Transfer documents to the community together. After obtaining the land, the land bidder must carry out the project planning and design, development and construction as well as the property management in the latter stage according to the contents stipulated in the "Submission of Opinion".

Steel residential into a breakthrough

Although it started very early, the modernization of Yantai's construction industry is not always smooth. After experiencing the change of several leading groups, the city's construction industry modernization related work once also fell into a "fault." Until recent years, with the modernization of the construction industry becoming the key task of the State and Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, Yantai has again started to study and promote this unfinished business.

It is understood that Yantai has now introduced the leading enterprises in the field - Hangxiao Steel Structure (600,477, stock it), and has been in the Baishi District film, the temple area film and other government investment shed reform projects on the practice. The next three years, Yantai City, nearly 1 million square meters of steel structure industrialization project is completed, the relevant departments are also preparing the application of steel structure planning and implementation programs. Next, Yantai will also focus on building a modern demonstration park of construction industry, to encourage key enterprises such as Tobacco Building Group, Wanhua Building Materials and other pilot.

Source: China Construction Daily · China Housing

Hunan: Build the largest green building materials industrial park in central China

Development Goal: Take the country vigorously promoting green production, developing green buildings and building green cities as an opportunity, efforts will be made to introduce and cultivate a number of high-tech green building materials enterprises, seize the commanding height of green building materials and create the largest green building materials industrial park in central China. Strive to 2020, output exceeded 100 million yuan.

Development Strategy: Hunan Green Building Materials Industrial Park is located to the east of Ningzhu Road, south of Tanbai Road, west of Chuangye Road and north of Changzhou-Changzhou Expressway. The total planning area is 2.97 square kilometers and divided into residential industrialization base and green home building materials Base two bases.

Housing industrialization base. In order to standardize residential design, the scale of parts and components, construction and assembly, decoration and decoration, construction and management of information technology as the direction, to play a big residence "National Housing Industrialization Base" overall solutions provider to enhance the role of upstream and downstream Enterprises to work together to create technology research and development, parts and components production, construction, display, distribution, management, service as one of the world-class residential cluster.

Green home building materials base. China Construction Hunan Science and Technology Industrial Park as the core building, integration of China Building Materials, Plastic Pipe, the financial construction, such as Markel, Italy and other famous enterprises, the formation of green building materials industry alliance to create large-scale, modern, intensive green home Building materials base.

Source: Red Net Synthesis

Shenzhen: Internal circulation of social security housing closed operation started this year

On January 27, the reporter learned from the annual working conference held by the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Housing Development that this year the city will further step up its efforts to implement affordable housing projects, and 60,000 units of affordable housing projects (including shantytowns) will be started. Completed 50,000 sets, supply 40,000 sets. Compared with the previous year, the number of social housing construction and supply have increased substantially. In addition, the closely watched protection of housing closure operation of the new mechanism will be officially implemented during the year.

This year, Shenzhen Municipal Housing Authority will further promote the building industrialization action to promote breakthrough breakthroughs in fabricated buildings, green building through industrial construction to enhance the level of new green building area of 8 million square meters, the year of new affordable housing land project And the newly started municipal government investment in the construction of affordable housing projects, all built by building industrialization.

Source: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily

Expatriate live inspection team visit letter to examine the industrialization of housing projects

On January 26, President Tang Fen of the Expatriate Labor Expedition visited the Xinyang City to inspect the residential industrialization project.

On the morning of the same day, the inspection team went deep into Kairui New Material Co., Ltd. in Shangtianti Management District of Xinyang City, Wanjiahui Home Industry Plaza in Tiananmen Meijia, an international home town, and Tianyi Meijia Household Creative Industrial Park to learn more about the project construction and the production and operation of the enterprise. Subsequently, the inspection team came to Yangshan New Area residential industrialization project proposed address for site visits.

In the forum held in the afternoon, Tang Fen introduced the project of housing industrialization in great detail and held heated discussions with the responsible comrades of Municipal Construction Bureau and Municipal Planning Bureau on the cooperation.

Source: Zhongyuan Economic Net

Hebei: New light steel energy-saving assembly-style residential press conference held in Dingzhou

January 27, sponsored by Dingzhou City, Li Rui Steel Structure Co., Ltd., City Association for Innovation and Innovation, a new light steel energy-saving assembly-style residential press conference held in Cheung Fung Ecological Park.

It is understood that the new light steel energy-saving assembly-type housing, the main frame using C-plate pressed from the use of points, rivets, bolt technology connection; internal and external walls with the best wall materials at home and abroad, the roof with safe, beautiful waterproof Materials; wall insulation materials used in the national AA level, more than 25 cm of fire insulation materials, housing life of up to 100 years. The foundation of the house can leave the ground and can be built anywhere. In addition, this house will not produce construction waste, steel, wall materials can be replaced.

It is learned that the biggest advantage of this residential construction is fast, short construction period, 10 days to build a two-story 180 square meters. Not affected by the season, can be constructed throughout the year, without bricks, sand lime, steel materials, comply with national innovation, green, sharing and development concept, in line with energy-saving emission reduction requirements, especially for the development of tourism, beautiful countryside, dangerous reconstruction requirements , Has a broad market prospects

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