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Strong brother spoke, the steel structure to live!

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 13
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 13


Premier Li Keqiang presided over the executive meeting of the State Council on November 4, deployed and implemented the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee, and guided the preparation of the "13th Five-Year Plan" with new concepts. The deployment of industrial restructuring and promotion of industrial restructuring and promotion of business expansion Determine the deepening of the market-based interest rate reform, improve interest rate formation and control mechanisms; decided to streamline the optimization of business investment and highway approval, and promote expansion of domestic demand to benefit the people's livelihood.

The meeting pointed out: To implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee and do a good job in compiling the "13th Five-Year Plan" are crucial to enhancing economic momentum and promoting industrial upgrading, social progress and livelihood improvement. The meeting decided to set up a leading group for the preparation of the planning outline of the State Council, and to enhance overall co-ordination and guidance. The meeting called for all relevant departments to widely listen to opinions and suggestions and put forward a number of proposals on promoting economic development and resolving outstanding issues in light of the concept of innovation, coordination, greenness, openness and sharing around boosting the strength, supplementing the shortcomings, promoting balanced development and upgrading the economy Major projects with strong contradictions and strong pertinence, and major projects that are impetus to the mode of transfer, structural adjustment and promotion and to major projects in which ecological protection, people's livelihood improvement and social fairness are significant are promulgated. In accordance with the law of development and the requirement of reform and opening up Reflecting the wishes of the masses and the special planning of supporting projects, promoting the rapid economic growth and moving towards the medium and high-end levels so as to ensure the goal of fully building a well-off society on schedule.

The meeting held: At present, China's industry is at a crucial period of transformation and upgrading. At present, it is of great significance to stabilize industrial growth, optimize the industrial structure and enhance the efficiency of enterprises. This is of great significance to stabilizing employment and consolidating the economy to a good foundation. Meeting to determine, one is to promote innovation. The Bank will integrate special funds for finance and give priority to key areas such as "Made in China 2025", technological transformation of enterprises, relocation and transformation of urban hazardous chemicals and steel enterprises. Utilize "Internet +" to build an industrial innovation platform for large enterprises, universities, research institutes, small and medium-sized enterprises, and maker customers. The second is to expand the market. We will vigorously promote the upgrading and development of consumer products that are closely related to the needs of the masses. Combination of shed change and earthquake-resistant housing projects, to carry out pilot construction of steel structures. Expand the use of green building materials, promote the use of major emergency equipment and products, and support the updating of agricultural machinery and vessels and increase the pace of going out of high-end railways and communications equipment. Third, deepen the reform. We will speed up the restructuring and reorganization of the "zombie enterprise" or withdraw from the market, increase the burden on state-owned enterprises in solving their historical burdens, and vigorously tap the potential for efficiency. Fourth, increase support. Financial institutions should be encouraged to increase their credit allocations to markets and effective enterprises and promote financial leasing services such as large-scale manufacturing equipment and production lines. Study and establish a national financing guarantee fund to alleviate the financing problems of small and micro enterprises.

The meeting pointed out: Deepening financial reform, promoting the marketization of interest rates and speeding up the formation and adjustment of interest rates in line with the market demand are conducive to raising the economic efficiency of financial services entities and resolving the problems of financing difficulties and financing. First, we must urge financial institutions to improve the internal control system and enhance the ability of independent pricing and risk management. Second, it is necessary to continue to play a reference and guiding role in deposit and lending benchmark interest rates. We should make good use of tools such as short-term repo rate, reloans and medium-term loan facilities to rationalize the policy interest rates to bonds and credit market interest rate transmission channels and form a market yield curve. Third, we should strengthen the supervision and management of irrational pricing behavior, adopt different deposit reserve ratios and other means to encourage and restrict interest rate pricing behavior, and strengthen self-discipline and risk prevention. The more prevention and control are put in place, the higher the marketization of interest rates will be.

In order to continuously promote the decentralization of government and administration, combine administrations for discharge and management, optimize services and expand effective investment and supply of public goods, the meeting decided that the first is to cancel and decentralize the assessment of energy conservation and the approval of overburden mining, For the site selection, land use, environmental assessment and other 7, with the conditions of the construction of the newspaper to implement the "first after the test." Second, the approval of the same investment projects involved issues to be coordinated decentralization, which will involve major planning and layout, the development and deployment of key resources such as approval of the project approval left in the provincial and municipal governments. Third, the inventory management of the necessary intermediary services to explore the integration of highway projects to explore energy conservation, geological disasters and other thematic evaluation, the implementation of joint assessment review. Fourthly, the Bank conducted the online parallel examination and approval to speed up the vertical approval of the online examination and approval platform. Use open and convenient government services to release and promote development, benefit new dividends for people's livelihood.

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