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Changxing Steel Structure: Go all out to ensure the safety and efficient progress of the project.

Date: 2024-07-25
Times of browsing: 2
Release date: 2024-07-25
Times of browsing: 2

Recently, Changxing Steel Structure has demonstrated outstanding organizational capabilities and a high sense of responsibility at the construction site of the overhead corridor steel structure project at the north and south campuses of Zhengzhou District of Luoyang Orthopedic Hospital in Henan Province, fully committed to ensuring the safety and efficient progress of the project.

Changxing Steel Structure: Go all out to ensure the safety and efficient progress of the project.

The project is located in the bustling area of Zhengdong New District in Zhengzhou City, with considerable construction difficulties and high demands on the construction unit. However, Changxing Steel Structure, with its rich construction experience and professional technical team, successfully overcame various difficulties, ensuring the smooth progress of the project.

Changxing Steel Structure: Go all out to ensure the safety and efficient progress of the project.

At the construction site, the project department strictly adheres to safety regulations to ensure the safety of construction workers. At the same time, the site project department has also strengthened control over construction quality, ensuring that each process meets standard requirements. In addition, the project manager actively communicates and coordinates with relevant departments, promptly resolves issues encountered during construction, and ensures that the project can be delivered on time.

It is worth mentioning that Changxing Steel Structure pays attention to environmental protection and energy conservation during construction, adopting advanced construction technologies and equipment, which reduces environmental pollution. At the same time, it actively promotes the use of renewable energy, contributing to the sustainable development of the project.

At present, the project has achieved phased results and has been highly praised by the main contractor and relevant departments. We will continue to carry forward the construction philosophy of "safety first, quality first," contributing our own efforts to the successful completion of the project.

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