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Changxing Steel Structure: Intensify safety inspections at construction sites, and strengthen the sa

Date: 2024-06-20
Times of browsing: 1
Release date: 2024-06-20
Times of browsing: 1

To ensure the safety and efficient operation of the construction site, Changxing Steel Structure has recently organized a comprehensive and detailed safety inspection of the construction site. The purpose of this inspection is to identify potential safety hazards, strengthen safety management, and ensure the smooth progress of the construction process.

The inspection is led by the safety management department of the company and jointly carried out by relevant departments such as technology and project. The inspection team went deep into each construction site, the steel structure installation, welding operations, temporary facilities, safety protection and other aspects of a comprehensive inspection. Members of the inspection team listened carefully to the opinions and suggestions of the workers on site, and record and feedback the problems found in time.

Changxing Steel Structure: Intensify safety inspections at construction sites, and strengthen the sa

The company attaches great importance to the inspection, the person in charge of the company said: " safety production is the lifeline of the enterprise, we will always adhere to the principle of safety first, strengthen the safety management of the construction site. The problems found in the inspection should be carefully rectified to ensure the safety and stability of the construction site.”

Changxing Steel Structure: Intensify safety inspections at construction sites, and strengthen the sa

Changxing Steel Structure: Intensify safety inspections at construction sites, and strengthen the sa

The safety inspection not only improved the safety awareness of the on-site workers, but also further strengthened the company's safety management measures. The company will continue to increase the investment in safety production, improve the level of safety management, to ensure that every project can be successfully completed under the premise of safety, efficiency and quality.

Changxing Steel Structure: Intensify safety inspections at construction sites, and strengthen the sa

Through the safety inspection, the company has further strengthened the safety management of the construction site, and laid a solid foundation for the long-term development of the company. In the future, the company will continue to strengthen the safety of production, ensure the safety of employees and the stable development of the enterprise, and make greater contribution to the prosperity of the steel structure industry.

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