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Chen Zhenggao At the National Assembly Building Worksite Meeting At the request of vigorously develo

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 13
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 13

Assembled buildings are prefabricated parts and components assembled in the construction site, the development of fabricated buildings is a major change in the way of construction. The Central Party Committee and the State Council attach great importance to the development of fabricated buildings. Several Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Further Strengthening the Management of Urban Planning and Construction put forward that it is necessary to develop new construction methods and promote prefabricated buildings vigorously for about 10 years. Assembled buildings accounted for the proportion of new construction area reached 30%. On September 27, 2016, the General Office of the State Council promulgated the Guiding Opinions on Vigorously Developing Assembled Buildings. It proposed to promote the region with a population of over 3 million residents in Beijing, Tianjin, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta cities. In other cities, in order to actively promote the region, the remaining cities in order to encourage the promotion of the region, according to local conditions, the development of fabricated concrete structures, steel structures and modern timber buildings.

All localities actively implement the decision-making arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council and vigorously promote the development of fabricated buildings. Beijing and Zhejiang proposed that by 2020, the goal of prefabricated buildings should be 30% of new construction. Hebei clearly pointed out that steel-framed buildings should be the main direction for the development of fabricated buildings. Jilin proposed to create conditions to pilot the development of wood-based construction industry The work of thinking; Shandong Province to implement the "four mandatory" policy, and actively develop prefabricated buildings.

Shanghai focused on institutional mechanisms and made full use of the market's leading role in the allocation of resources. The assembly-type buildings have made positive progress in their work. The municipal government promulgated the Opinions on Promoting the Development of Assembled Buildings and issued a series of policies and measures to put forward that the newly constructed buildings within the scope of the Shanghai Municipality shall all adopt the prefabricated buildings in principle. In 2016, the city has implemented 13.85 million square meters of prefabricated buildings, doubling for two consecutive years, achieving 41 prefabricated components manufacturing enterprises and exceeding 12 million square meters of production capacity.

In order to implement the spirit of the Central City Work Conference and exchange experiences in studying in Shanghai and other areas, we will comprehensively promote the development of fabricated buildings. On November 19, 2016, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development held a live assembly building conference in Shanghai. Chen Chenggao, Party Secretary and Minister of Housing and Urban-Rural Construction, attended the meeting and made a speech.

Chen Zhenggao pointed out that the prefabricated building is a major change in the mode of construction and it is necessary to fully understand the great significance of building an assembly-type building. First, the need to implement the concept of green development. The second is to achieve the needs of building modernization. Third, to ensure the quality of the project needs. Fourth, shorten the construction cycle needs. Fifth, it can spawn new industries and related service industries.

Chen Zhenggao stressed that the development of prefabricated buildings now has a good foundation and three favorable conditions. First, we have the strong leadership of the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and we have the institutional advantages of concentrating our efforts on making major achievements. Second, we can absorb, digest, and use the successful experience of foreign countries. Third, some regions, some enterprises, some design units have been the first pilot, has accumulated experience.

Chen Zhenggao pointed out that we should have a profound understanding of the essence of developing the experience of fabricated buildings in Shanghai and other places. First, we must have a world-wide vision and profoundly understand the great significance of the development of fabricated buildings to enhancing the level of urban modernization and promoting economic and social development. Second, there must be determination and courage. This is the key to the development of fabricated buildings. Third, we must make concerted efforts to plan system advancement. This is an important guarantee for the development of fabricated buildings. Fourth, the city leaders personally, this is the fundamental Shanghai experience.

Chen Zhenggao demanded that the next step should focus on the seven tasks and strive to achieve a new breakthrough in the development of fabricated buildings.

First, the full implementation of assembly-type building development goals and priorities. With 10 years or so, the proportion of prefabricated buildings to new construction area reached 30%. The second is the full assembly of building technology standards. To speed up the formation of a set of standard system of prefabricated buildings, speed up the development of assembly-type concrete structures, steel structures, modern wood structure of the three structural systems of technical regulations. Third, increase the construction of basic industries. All localities should speed up the cultivation of leading enterprises and key industrial chain enterprises that can integrate design, production and construction in the light of local actual conditions and the development in the surrounding areas. Fourth, we must build a new type of workforce. Assembled buildings from design, production to construction and assembly, the construction of the past is a fundamental change, from the beginning of the design, starting from the factory production, from the site assembled to create a new type of team. Fifth, further increase policy support. All localities should implement well the preferential policies for assembly-type building parts and components manufacturing enterprises. We encourage all localities to issue supportive policies and measures in finance, finance, taxation, planning and land so as to guide and support the investment of social capital in fabricated buildings. Sixth, promote the construction industry management system and mechanism innovation. In order to adapt to the development of fabricated buildings, the management system reform should be promoted in areas such as survey and design, parts and components production, project cost, bidding and tendering, construction organization and quality control. Vigorously promote the general contracting, engineering design, parts and components production, construction and procurement of unified management and in-depth integration. Seventh, the housing construction department should make a difference in the development of fabricated buildings. The development of assembly-type construction responsibility, housing construction departments at all levels should firmly establish the political awareness, the overall situation awareness, core awareness, awareness, vigorous and resolute, perseverance, to rewrite the architectural history, influence the architectural history of prefabricated buildings arrested, , To the Central Party Committee, the State Council and the people of the country handed over a satisfactory answer sheet.

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