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Changxing construction site safety inspection

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 19
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 19

On the morning of August 9, 2014, the safety department inspection team of our company inspected the work safety of construction site of our company. General manager Li Zengliang, engineering department and comprehensive office attended the inspection activities.


The inspection team first listened to the report on the work safety of the construction project, got an overview of the construction site, followed by the inspection team going to the construction site, inspecting the workshop and dormitory of the construction site, and asked in detail about the daily management of the construction site and the construction staff working condition.


Inspection team proposed at the meeting, a responsibility to be in place. The inspection team with the main person in charge of safety production unit as its member shall be set up to strengthen the leadership of this large-scale inspection of safety production, further clarify the responsibilities of all units, and earnestly carry out the safety inspection of construction. Two to recognize the place. "Safety production is no small matter," we must fully recognize the urgency and importance of safety inspection, resolutely overcome the weariness of war, did not relax, as always, do a good job in safety production. Three to investigate in place. Conscientiously inspect the safety production responsibility system of projects under construction as well as the formulation and implementation of various safety production rules and regulations and operating procedures; examine the implementation status of safety education on site by field workers; and provide no safety technical assurance measures on the construction site Of the project to be rectified within a deadline. Four to rectification in place. To check out the hidden dangers of accidents to implement the rectification measures, a clear rectification of the responsible persons and deadlines to ensure timely rectification of hidden dangers in place, and resolutely put an end to the hidden dangers did not promptly rectify the accident occurred.


Finally, the general manager Li Zengliang made an important directive, asking everyone to put safety first, who responsible for the security issues out of the part, who bear the responsibility

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