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Advantages of steel construction technology is clearly the representative of green building

Date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 23
Release date: 2017-08-31
Times of browsing: 23

In the eleventh session of the National Modern Activities Housing Symposium held recently, China Construction Metal Structure Activities Housing Association Steel Construction Committee, an expert member Fang Hongqiang said: a new type of building system may open up the real estate, construction, Metallurgical industry, machinery and equipment manufacturing industry and national strategic resources between the industry boundaries, set to become a new industrial system, which is the industry generally optimistic about the steel structure of the building system. Fang Hongqiang that steel building is the representative of green building.

The promotion of steel structure is an important part of the circular economy in the construction industry. It is the transformation and upgrading of the traditional civil construction industry. Steel structure not only has the light, fast, good, provincial 'excellent performance, but also has the advantages of recycling. Steel structure with high strength, light weight, good seismic performance, the cost of the foundation of the province, the building area, high construction quality, suitable for industrialization and standardization of production, dry green construction, suitable for different climatic conditions, from the construction season The impact of low overall cost advantages, at the same time, steel structure can also reduce the construction waste on the environment pollution, in the entire life cycle can be recycled and so on. Fang Hongqiang said steel structure building is in line with China's energy-saving emission reduction and recycling economy development direction, is one of the structures that have the least impact on urban environment.

According to Fang Hongqiang introduction, steel structure in developed countries has been widely used, known as the main representative of green building. Europe calls green buildings eco-buildings or sustainable buildings. China's green building means saving resources (energy saving, land saving, water saving and material saving) to the maximum extent throughout the life cycle of a building, protecting the environment and reducing pollution, and providing people with healthy, suitable and efficient use of space. Building in harmony with nature.

Steel construction technology has obvious advantages

The average life expectancy of buildings in Europe and the United States is more than 80 years, compared with only 30 years in China, less than 60% of the minimum useful life of national standards. In the process of repeated construction, China has created two firsts in the world: at Consuming the world's largest amount of cement and steel, it produces the largest amount of construction waste in the world - up to 400 million tons per year and building waste accounting for 30-40% of total waste. Construction waste is piled up and landfilled in cities Surrounding and falling into the trash surrounding the city, not only occupy the land, which contains various kinds of harmful chemical substances, seriously erodes the surface and pollutes the underground water, which is extremely harmful and poses a threat to human living environment. In addition, the construction rubbish also separates the historical context of the city, undermines the urban cultural heritage and undermines the urban style.

Fang Hongqiang pointed out that as the reinforced concrete structures and masonry structures require manual operation, noise and dust generated during wet construction and construction at the site seriously endanger the health of workers. More importantly, the recyclability of building materials for reinforced concrete structures and masonry structures is extremely low. The environmental impact of construction wastes after their life cycle has been reached and adverse effects on future generations have been caused at home and abroad Experts have widespread concerns and widespread concerns. In addition, high-quality mineral materials for firing cement are in short supply and gravel made from concrete has been very tense in many places. Sand mining in some areas has severely damaged the riverbed and destroyed vegetation.

Fang Hongqiang put forward that steel structure building should firmly establish the design concept of green building: According to the concept of 'zero resource, zero energy consumption, zero emission, zero pollution, zero site, zero distance', we should set up a system of planning, design, construction, Development, construction and design of a new generation of modern steel structure residential building products that meet industrialization, standardization and industrialization.

Compared with the traditional way of civil construction, steel structure has the "light, fast, good, provincial" 4 excellent performance. The ratio of bulk density and strength of steel is less than that of concrete and wood. Under the same conditions, the overall weight of the building with steel structure is the lightest. The steel structure movable room is convenient for mechanized manufacturing, with higher accuracy, convenient installation and shorter construction period. The highest degree of industrialization in the structure of a; steel buildings on the environmental damage is small, good seismic performance, and suitable for different climatic conditions and the atmospheric environment; the use of steel can also save the cost of foundation, water can be saved, easy to control the cost, At the same time, it can be reused to reduce construction waste.

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