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Changxing Steel vigorous development, inseparable from the leadership of all levels of careful cultivation, inseparable from the trust and support of suppliers and partners, in order to express their gratitude to everyone, January 27, 2013 Changxing Steel in Zhengzhou Guanghua Hotel held a "go hand in hand, beyond and win-win" - 2013 Changxing Steel Structure Project Promotion & Customer Acknowledgment. This time, thanks to all the guests, nearly 400 guests and Changxing people celebrate the prosperity of the Year of the Dragon.At the meeting, we gave the best customer award and ...
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 30
Times of browsing:25
Good News: Zhengzhou Construction Systems Advanced Enterprise Commendation Conference was held yesterday, Zhengzhou Changxing Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. won the 2012 annual honorary title of advanced enterprises in Zhengzhou City, Mr. Li Zengliang, general manager of the company won the title of outstanding project manager in the new year, we will Under the leadership of the construction department in Zhengzhou, cherish the honor, guard against arrogance and impatience, continue to work hard!
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 30
Times of browsing:17
Since 2012.12.21, the leadership of Zhengzhou Changxing Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. has initiated the mode of "1221" management in Changxing, requiring everyone to strictly follow the "1221" management mode of Changxing from aspects of health, safety, quality and office. Will do, to do than fruit, to be honest to do practical things.Enterprises to be a responsible business, individuals to do a responsible person, everyone should strive for the development of Changxing in 2013!
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 30
Times of browsing:20
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