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In recent days, the rising temperature, so that the entire city into the "broiled" mode. Continuous hot and hot weather hit us day and night, even if it was just after heavy rain washing, heat waves, heat pressing. When people in various ways to avoid high temperatures, we are familiar with the project construction staff but in the hot sun, in high temperatures, there is no shelter, despite the sweat soaked clothes, despite the dust covered the body, day and night stick to their jobs . With hard work, dripping sweat poured into the building.They are ordinary and ordinary. They know t...
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 31
Times of browsing:16
Construction management is a science, which runs through the entire process of transforming design into physical objects. It is a long-term, heavy responsibility and heavy task. Construction enterprise management is the core of the project, and construction site management is the core of project management, but also to ensure the quality of construction and construction of civilized and safe key. How to carry out scientific management on the construction site, can we establish a corporate image to enhance corporate reputation, access to good economic and social benefits?1 to do the constructio...
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 31
Times of browsing:17
The past six months have passed since 2017. In the past six months, there have also been gains and gains in the construction of Changxing.At the juncture of the grim economic situation and the development of the industry, with the full support and leadership of the company leaders, some achievements were still achieved and projects such as Jinyi Engineering were signed. The management of the company is orderly and steady. We believe that tomorrow will be better. Therefore, we are confident and willing to work hard.In the second half of the year is bound to be full of opportunities and challeng...
Release time: 2017 - 08 - 31
Times of browsing:13
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