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On December 3, Mr. Wu Jiaxing, Vice Chairman of Changxing Group, went to Tel Aviv, Israel to attend the conference of "SAFE FUTURE".    Founded in 2011, "SAFE FUTURE" brings together a large number of parameters to test the level of a concrete house from country to city to street. The data includes indicators of quality of life such as education, employment and personal safety, the history of property and territory, and factors affecting the viability of the transaction. Data is clear, transparent and complete, helping buyers to make responsible decisions。...
Release time: 2017 - 12 - 06
Times of browsing:48
The case is for the construction of Zhengzhou Cultural Relics Bureau, Zhengzhou Shangdu Relics Museum and Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology. The construction site is Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, and the service life of the structure is 100 years.     Structural system: The roof structure uses square tetragon welding ball grid structure, steel beam structure and tube truss structure. The project was installed in an orderly manner, the picture shows the lifting of the roof over the Hall has been completed.
Release time: 2017 - 11 - 23
Times of browsing:46
November 21, Changxing inspection team patrolled Puyang Liang Yuan food engineering, 35 plant and Yao Ding project.    Our company has built the steel structure project of Liangyuan Foodstuff Warehouse, Finished Product Libraries and Production Workshop, which is near the end now.   35 factory added a new plate press, the trial will be officially put into use.   Inspecting the inspection team in the 35 factory area, Chairman Wu informed the 35 factory that the standard components were not reached and could not leave the factory and did not allow a problematic comp...
Release time: 2017 - 11 - 22
Times of browsing:54
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