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Welcome "61" Changxing Steel Group love donation into the original Yang County Ge Bukou Township Daz

dates: 2017-09-01
Number of visits: 35
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Children are the flowers of the motherland and the pillars of the future. Concerned about the healthy growth of children and adolescents is the future of the motherland. On the morning of June 1, 2017, Chairman Wu Jiaxing of Changxing Steel Structure Group and Li Zenliang, the general manager, led some employees to Dazhangzhai Primary School of Gebukou Township, Yuanyang County for donation activities.


Hosted by Changxing Steel Structure Group, this donation event brought more than 900 items including computers, school bags, notebooks and stationery bags to Dazhang Village Primary School students. The leaders of the leading members of the CPPCC under the leadership of the CPPCC include: Chairman Zhang, Qin Secretary Li Shuji, Zhu Shuji, Tongbai Lu Shumin, Zhangzhai Village Mayor Lou Shuxiu, Ge Bukou Township Central School Head Liu Shizhen, Yuanyang Dazhang Walled Elementary School Headmaster Mao Heqiang and more than 300 teachers and students.




The event was chaired by Mao Heqiang, Dazhang Village Primary School Principal. In the donation activity, firstly, President Liu Shizhen of Gebukou Township Center School made a welcoming speech, on behalf of Dazhangzhai Primary School, expressed heartfelt thanks to Changxing Steel Structure Group and the leaders who participated in the activity. Then Li Zengliang, the general manager of Changxing Steel, Teachers and students made ardent hope - study hard and strive to improve their scientific and cultural qualities and ideological and ethical accomplishments. They formed good habits from an early age, took their good overall quality and outstanding performance in the future, and served the motherland and society. The leaders then donated school bags to the student representatives and thanked the student representatives for their speeches. Finally by the central school principal Liu Shizhen Wu Jiaxing, chairman of the Group donated "love enterprise" pennants.







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